Make own github blog
자신만의 블로그를 만들어보자
- Jekyll Theme를 Clone
- 내 입맛에 맞게 수정
- posts 폴더 만들기
- profile 수정 _config.yml 파일 수정
- menu 수정 navigation.yml 수정
- About : 짧은 내 설명
- CV : 나의 CV
- Publications : 논문발행건,
- (주석)Teaching : 가르친경험
- [Tag] : Tag별로 모아놓은것.
- Categories : Categories별로 모아 놓은것.
- 기능 추가
- 알면 유용한 기능
- 에디터
- Stackedit.
- Brackets.
- 화면 .gif 파일로 녹화
- 에디터
1. Jekyll Theme
- Clone할 Theme 링크에 들어가서 내 계정으로 로그인 하고 Fork 해준다.
- 간편한 코드 수정을 위해서 Github Desktop을 통해서 내 계정에 있는 Repository를 동기화 시켜준다.
2. 입맛에 맞게 수정
1. 개인정보 수정
_config.yml 파일 수정
(1) tl
# Site Settings
locale : "en-US"
title : "Jerry(Gwangjin) Jeong"
title_separator : "-"
subtitle : # site tagline that appears below site title in masthead
name : "Gwangjin jeong"
description : "Deep learning, Biomedical engineer"
url : ""
(2) profile & logo image 추가
assets/image 폴더에 파일 추가 ```markdown teaser : "/assets/images/profile.png" logo : "/assets/images/logo.png" ``` #### (3) 신상정보 추가 ```markdown # Site Author author: name : "Jerry(Gwangjin) Jeong" avatar : "/assets/images/profile.png" bio : "Deep learning & biomedical engineer." location : "South Korea" # email : links:
- label: "Email"
icon: "fas fa-fw fa-envelope-square"
url: # - label: "Website" # icon: "fas fa-fw fa-link" # # url: "" # - label: "Twitter" # icon: "fab fa-fw fa-twitter-square" # # url: "" # - label: "Facebook" # icon: "fab fa-fw fa-facebook-square" # # url: ""
- label: "GitHub"
icon: "fab fa-fw fa-github"
url: "" # - label: "Instagram" # icon: "fab fa-fw fa-instagram" # # url: "" # - label: "linkedin" # url: "" # - label: "googlescholar" # url: "" # - label: "researchgate" # url: "" # - label: "stackoverflow" # url: "" ```
(4) 블로그 메인 뷰 및 시간 설정
# Outputting
permalink: /:categories/:title/
paginate: 5 # amount of posts to show
paginate_path: /page:num/
timezone: Asia/Seoul
2. 목차 수정
(1) About : 짧은 내 설명
1) _data/navigation.yml
- title: "About"
url: /about/
title: "Gwangjin jeong"
permalink: /about/
layout: single
# In Essence, I…
Am a Deep learning & biomedical engineer.
Received my bachelor’s degree in computer science.
Am a biomedical master student.
Am Interested to find biomarkers using deep learning.
Am Interested in Diffuse optics.
Want to contribute to the development of future diagnostic technology
(2) CV : 나의 CV
1) _data/navigation.yml
- title: "CV"
url: /cv/
title: "CV"
layout: single
permalink: /cv/
author_profile: true
* B.S. in GitHub, GitHub University, 2012
* M.S. in Jekyll, GitHub University, 2014
* Ph.D in Version Control Theory, GitHub University, 2018 (expected)
Work experience
* Summer 2015: Research Assistant
* Github University
* Duties included: Tagging issues
* Supervisor: Professor Git
* Fall 2015: Research Assistant
* Github University
* Duties included: Merging pull requests
* Supervisor: Professor Hub
* Skill 1
* Skill 2
* Sub-skill 2.1
* Sub-skill 2.2
* Sub-skill 2.3
* Skill 3
<!-- 추
<div class="list__item">
<article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="">
<h3 class="archive__item-title" itemprop="headline">
<a href="" rel="permalink">Paper Title Number 1
<p class="archive__item-excerpt" itemprop="description">Your Name, You. (2009). "Paper Title Number 1." <i>Journal 1</i>. 1(1).</p>
<div class="list__item">
<article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="">
<h3 class="archive__item-title" itemprop="headline">
<a href="" rel="permalink">Talk 1 on Relevant Topic in Your Field
<p class="page__meta"><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> March 01, 2012</p>
<p class="archive__item-excerpt" itemprop="description">Talk at UC San Francisco, Department of Testing, San Francisco, California</p>
<div class="list__item">
<article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="">
<h3 class="archive__item-title" itemprop="headline">
<a href="" rel="permalink">Tutorial 1 on Relevant Topic in Your Field
<p class="page__meta"><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> March 01, 2013</p>
<p class="archive__item-excerpt" itemprop="description">Tutorial at UC-Berkeley Institute for Testing Science, Berkeley CA, USA</p>
<div class="list__item">
<article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="">
<h3 class="archive__item-title" itemprop="headline">
<a href="" rel="permalink">Talk 2 on Relevant Topic in Your Field
<p class="page__meta"><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> February 01, 2014</p>
<p class="archive__item-excerpt" itemprop="description">Talk at London School of Testing, London, UK</p>
<div class="list__item">
<article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="">
<h3 class="archive__item-title" itemprop="headline">
<a href="" rel="permalink">Conference Proceeding talk 3 on Relevant Topic in Your Field
<p class="page__meta"><i class="fa fa-clock-o" aria-hidden="true"></i> March 01, 2014</p>
<p class="archive__item-excerpt" itemprop="description">Conference proceedings talk at Testing Institute of America 2014 Annual Conference, Los Angeles, CA</p>
<div class="list__item">
<article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="">
<h3 class="archive__item-title" itemprop="headline">
<a href="" rel="permalink">Teaching experience 1
<p class="archive__item-excerpt" itemprop="description"></p>
<div class="list__item">
<article class="archive__item" itemscope itemtype="">
<h3 class="archive__item-title" itemprop="headline">
<a href="" rel="permalink">Teaching experience 2
<p class="archive__item-excerpt" itemprop="description"></p>
Service and leadership
* Currently signed in to 43 different slack teams
(3) Publications : 논문발행건,
1) _data/navigation.yml
- title: "CV"
url: /cv/
(주석) Teaching : 가르친경험
1) _data/navigation.yml
(4) Tag : Tag별로 모아놓은것.
1) _data/navigation.yml
- title: "Tags"
url: /tags/
title: "Posts by Tag"
permalink: /tags/
layout: tags
author_profile: true
(5) Categories : Categories별로 모
1) _data/navigation.yml
- title: "Categories"
url: /categories/
title: "Posts by Category"
layout: categories
permalink: /categories/
author_profile: true